As a Christian in a denomination that does not formally acknowledge Lent, I picked up
Lent for Everyone
out of curiosity, and was very glad that I did. It is a devotional for the 40 days of Lent, from Ash Wednesday to Easter, with the reading each day focussing on a different aspect of Jesus’ life and ministry. The New Testament quotations are from the authors' own translation (The New Testament for Everyone series by N. T. Wright). Some people won't like this because they are married to their own preferred translations; others find that reading an unfamiliar translation can bring out Bible truths in a new way. I would have appreciated knowing the date of Ash Wednesay (for those who are interested, it is 22 February).
This is my favourite kind of devotional, and one I often struggle to find. It has a scripture reference, with the key verses written out. This is followed by a relevant lesson based on the quoted verses, and a short prayer. The daily time commitment is no longer than ten minutes, and will leave the reader with a thought to ponder throughout the day. Overall, I like the format, I like the style and I really like his spiritual insights. I would certainly look for more devotionals by Nicholas Wright. Recommended.
Thanks to Westminster John Knox Press and NetGalley for providing a free ebook for review.
Thanks for the recommendation!!