But then his mother goes missing, and it
seems that others of the Nephilim have also disappeared. Together with his
sister Eliza, Jacob must fight the forces of evil to rescue their mother and
the other missing nephilim before the captives can be forced to work for the
Destroyer. In their search, they learn to put on the armour of God (from Ephesians
6), to walk by faith and to trust in the name of the Lord.
Spirit Fighter
is well written and fast
paced. Many of the ideas are reminiscent of Frank Peretti's books, but with a
strong youth focus and not so frightening. There are parallels between Spirit
Fighter and some of the popular secular fiction available for this age group –
the Harry Potter and Percy Jackson books spring to mind.
Jonah can see the fallen angels and feel
the despair they exude, similar to Harry Potter and the dementors. Like Percy
Jackson, Jacob is part-human and part-superbeing, which gives him extraordinary
powers. The difference is that in Spirit Fighter
, these elements are given has
a sound basis in the Bible. (And, at the end of the day, this is fiction. But
it will introduce children to the concept of the spiritual realm and the battle
being fought).
An adult might find elements of Spirit Fighter simply too fantastic and criticise it for being too plot driven with insufficient focus on the development of the characters. While this might be true, I don't see that the target audience of middle school boys will be bothered. They just want to see the bad guys get wasted, and should therefore be well satisfied. Despite the presence of Eliza, I imagine Spirit Fighter
Thanks to Thomas Nelson and NetGalley for providing a free ebook for review. Jerel Law speaks about his inspiration for Spirit Fighter at A Novel Bookshelf.
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