Although Mansfield is writing from a Christian perspective, he is very respectful towards LDS beliefs, writing from an impartial stance and leaving the evidence to speak for itself. From the point of view of the doctrine, the evidence is flimsy at best. The entire story of Joseph Smith’s translation of the Book of Mormon is eerily reminiscent of fable of The Emperor's New Clothes, except that there is no little boy to tell the truth and thereby break the illusion. However, Mansfield points out that doctrine and theology is not what draws people to or keeps people in the church (after all, popular sci-fi show Battlestar Galactica was loosely based on Mormon theology, but this is much more believable–and better TV-than the Scientologists and Battlefield Earth).
What makes the Mormon machine successful, at least according to Mansfield, is that the Church’s respect for family, service, education and hard work mirror the American Dream. So a large part of the Church’s modern success is because of their commitment to community and prosperity. So while I can see the holes in their beliefs, I can also see why Mormonism is attractive. Recommended. But members of the LDS Church probably won't like The Mormonizing of America
Thanks to Worthy Publishing and NetGalley for providing a free ebook for review.
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