Connie is here today to share her favourite 15 authors. Welcome, Connie!
1. Jane Austen
I always loved her sense of irony, and her feel for the contradictions in human nature. She often had characters who believed things about themselves that were the opposite of the truth, and the most marvelous ways to portray this.2. George MacDonald
3. Charles Dickens
His rich, layered and textured characters!!!4. Georgette Heyer
5. Numbers Five through Eight
These would have to be my critique partners, June Foster, Mildred Colvin, Gail Pallotta, and Vanessa Riley. These are the ladies who took my amateurish scrawling, each using their particular giftings, and turned it into interesting prose.9. Denise Hunter
10. Ronie Kendig
Action pacing!!! She writes action in the speed it takes place. When I read it, I want to hold my seat, catch my breath, and still my heart.11. Jenny B. Jones
12. MaryLu Tyndall
I was a fan of MaryLu’s before she “went indie,” but I’m an even bigger fan now. It’s amazing how much better a story can be when an author is unleashed to write her heart. Her Christian pirate adventures get better with every story. She has also been very generous to me with her author and character interviews on my group blog, Whenever I want to show anyone what a great character interview looks like, I send them a link to one of hers.
13. C.S. Lewis
There are so many little things that have helped me understand God and His plan for us, not to mention how Satan attempts to thwart it (ie. Screwtape Letters). One of my favorite concepts of his is from The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. I can’t remember the exact line, but it is how he described Aslan as scary (he’s a lion, I tell you), but good. What a fantastic picture of God. He has the power to incinerate us at a word, and yet He chooses to sacrifice His very flesh to save us, instead.14. J.R.R. Tolkien
15. Holy Spirit (Paul)
Of course, as a Christian, I am thoroughly changed by all the Words of God’s holy book, inspired by His Holy Spirit, penned by His empty vessels. At the same time, if I had to choose the words that resonate with me the most it would have to be Paul’s writings on The Body of Christ. I don’t think this is because they are more important than any of His other writings. I think it’s because this is the theme the Holy Spirit has called ME to write about, reminding people that not only were we made different from each other, but we were meant to function differently—complementary to each other—as different parts of a whole. That’s what I try to write into my stories. Different gifts, used together for His glory.About Connie
Connie Almony is trained as a mental health therapist and likes to mix a little fun with the serious stuff of life. She was a 2012 semi-finalist in the Genesis Contest for Women’s Fiction and was awarded an Honorable Mention in the Winter 2012 WOW Flash Fiction Contest. Her latest release, Flee from Evil, is about a pastor with a past who uses his underworld connections to try and save the child of the woman he wronged many years ago.You can also meet her at these social media outlets:
Thanks for having me on today!!! It was fun drumming up this list. I fear, however, I read a ton and if you ask me to do it again next week, the list might look a little different! God has created a number of wonderful, inspiring authors!!!