3 - 7 November 2014
Cassie Beaumont Believes in Second Chances
Set on proving to everyone that she's no longer a party girl, Cassie is focused on her career as an event planner. But her dad's top executive, Ryan Mitchell, proves to be a handsome distraction. Especially when someone from Cassie's wild past tries to get her tangled in the life she's worked hard to escape.
Ryan is taken with his boss's beautiful daughter. But having been fooled by a brother who ran in her same circles, he is slow to trust. When Cassie's newfound faith works its way into his heart, Ryan soon finds he wants to claim both her faith and Cassie as his own.
About the Author
Narelle is a co-founder with Jenny Blake of the Australian Christian Readers Blog Alliance (ACRBA). http://acrba.blogspot.com
Her debut book, Falling for the Farmer, will be a February 2014 release, followed by The Nurse's Perfect Match in May 2014 andThe Doctor's Return in August 2014.
Website: http://www.narelleatkins.com
Not Your Standard Heartsong Presents Novel
Heartsong Presents romance novels are known for being more overtly Christian than other category romance novels (such as the Love Inspired series). They are also known for being more conservative, and I often find that combination comes across to me as unrealistic, as many seem to feature characters who live in a conservative Christian bubble in which nothing bad ever happens, and no one has any serious life issues (to be fair, it’s not just Heartsong that has this issue, as illustrated by much of the Amish romance genre).
Narelle Atkins doesn’t write those kind of novels, and Her Tycoon Hero takes this further than her previous novels, both in the topic and in the language (I’m surprised “screw up” got past the editors. Perhaps it means something different in the US). While Cassie has had a privileged upbringing in Sydney, Australia, it hasn’t been saccharine-perfect, as evidenced by her history of alcohol abuse and her past choice in boyfriends. No, it’s not typical Heartsong Presents, but it is typical of life. There are more Cassies (and Seans) out there than we know, and it’s good to see them working through their issues in Christian fiction.
I enjoyed Her Tycoon Hero, and I’ll be looking forward to meeting Cassie and Ryan again in the next book in the series.
Thanks to Narelle Atkins for providing a free ebook for review. You can find out more about Narelle at her website. You can also find her blogging at Australasian Christian Writers, International Christian Fiction Writers, and Inspy Romance.
Hi Iola, Thank you for reviewing Her Tycoon Hero. I appreciate your support of my ACRBA tour.